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Edit cartWe knew we'd see a lot of wonderful submissions for our Valentine's Day Art Contest, because kid-created art is the coolest kind of art. We asked a simple question: What is something you love?
Our goal was to allow kids to be creative in depicting the things they love. They showed us all kinds of things worth loving in this life, including family, pets, yummy meals, and so much more.
We received SO MANY awesome submissions, so here are a few of the submissions we received from kids all over the country...just like you!
What a cute kitty! We also appreciate Yuri's love of books and delicious food.
Those cookies look good enough to eat! And check out that glitter. Great job, Chloe!
Such cute kitties! Everyone can appreciate a beautiful day with a rainbow.
We were very impressed with Neily's horse drawing!
Charlotte loves rainbows, and we love Charlotte's imaginative pink clouds!
Friendships are always worth celebrating! Caroline's best friend Sophie looks like a very fun friend to have.
Look at Daniel's awesome drawing of his Dad and his fire truck!
Check out Gianna's pretty turtles!
Waterfalls are super pretty, and we love Cooper's drawing complete with cute little fish!
We bet Allie's pet bunny Harbert brings a lot of love and joy into her life!
A beautiful day outdoors with family is what Abigail loves the most!
Thanks again to all of our wonderful participants. We truly enjoyed looking at every single drawing and couldn't be happier with the results!
Share with us on social media (@hearthsong_toys).